There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Creidibh seo! (Believe this!). Let's look at some of them again in context.
Nuair a chaidh d’ iompachadh don Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh ...
When you converted to Christianity [the Christian faith] ...
Chaidh m' iompachadh don Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh
I converted to Christianity [the Christian faith] ...
Creididh mi sin!
I'll believe that!
Tha e do–chreidsinneach mar a tha mo bheatha air atharrachadh.
It's unbelievable how my life has changed.
Am bi thusa a' dol don eaglais gu tric ...?
Do you go to church often ...?
Mas e Didòmhnaich a th' ann ...
If it's Sunday ...
... bidh mo mhàthair gam threòrachadh chun na h–eaglaise!
... my mother will guide me to the church!
Tha mi làn–chreidsinn!
I fully believe it!
Ach an creid thu seo?
But can you believe this?
Dè a chreideas mi?
What can I believe?
'S e rud do–chreidsinneach a th' ann!
It's an unbelievable thing!
... gum bi an coitheanal ag ath–leasachadh seann eaglais na paraiste ...
... that the congregation are going to develop the old parish church ...
Cha ghabh sin dèanamh ...
That can't be done ...
... an gabh?
... can it?
Treòraichidh Dia iad.
God will guide them.
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.