Will they believe every word?
An creid iad a h–uile facal?
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
An do chreid iad
Did they believe
Nach do chreid iad
Didn’t they believe
An creid iad
Will they believe
Nach creid iad
Won’t they believe
A bheil iad a’ creidsinn
Do they believe
Nach eil iad a’ creidsinn
Don’t they believe
a h–uile facal na tha sa Bhìoball?
every word that is in the Bible?
Chreid iad
They believed
Cha do chreid iad
They didn’t believe
Creididh iad
They will believe
Cha chreid iad
They won’t believe
Tha iad a’ creidsinn
They believe
Chan eil iad a’ creidsinn
They don’t believe
a h–uile facal na tha sa Bhìoball.
every word that is in the Bible.