Feuch e: Why do you prefer the train and bike?
Feuch e: Carson as fheàrr leibh an trèan(a) agus am baidhsagal?
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Carson as fheàrr leibh an trèan(a) agus am baidhsagal?
Why do you prefer the train and bike?

Uill, a chionn 's gu bheil an dà chuid nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd—nas uaine, mar gu biodh. Well because both are better for the environment—greener, as it were.
Air sgàth 's gu bheil e nas luaithe ann an trafaig Dhùn Èideann. Because it's quicker in Edinburgh traffic.
A thoradh 's gu bheil e nas saoire uile gu lèir. Because it's cheaper overall.