Why do you prefer the train and bike?
Carson as fheàrr leibh an trèan(a) agus am baidhsagal?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Carson as fheàrr leibh an trèan(a) agus am baidhsagal?
Why do you prefer the train and bike?

Uill, a chionn 's gu bheil an dà chuid nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd—nas uaine, mar gu biodh.
Well, because both are better for the environment—greener, as it were.


Agus bidh mi a' falbh air a' bhaidhsagal air sàillibh 's gum faigh mi beagan eacarsaich cuideachd.
And I go on the bike because I get a little bit of exercise as well.

Glè cheart!
You're so right!

Agus gabhaidh mi an trèan(a) cuideachd air sgàth 's gu bheil e nas cofhurtaile na am bus.
And I also take the train because it's more comfortable than the bus.

Dè thachras ma bhios stailc rèile ann as t-samhradh?
What will happen if there's a rail strike in the summer?

Cha do smaoinich mi.
I didn't think.

Ciamar a b' fheàrr leat falbh a Dhùn Èideann an uair sin?
How would you prefer to go to Edinburgh then?

B' fheàrr leam falbh air a' bhus, no an àite sin, rachainn cuide ri mo charaid anns a' chàr aige. Chan eil duine eile ann a bhios a' dol nam àite as t-samhradh, mar sin, bu chòir dhomh a bhith ceart gu leòr.
I'd prefer to go on the bus, or instead of that, I could go with my friend in his car. No-one else goes in my place in the summer, so I should be alright.