There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about transport.
àrainneachd (f)
uaine (adj)
(environmentally) green
stailc (f)
rèile (f/m)
Let's look at them again in context.
… gu bheil an dà chuid nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd
… that both are better for the environment
nas uaine, mar gu biodh
greener, as it were
Dè thachras ma bhios stailc rèile ann?
What will happen if there's a rail strike?
'S fheàrr le | B' fheàrr le
We learnt 'S fheàrr (prefer) and B' fheàrr (would prefer) in A1 agus A2. Do you remember these structures?
'S fheàrr leam a bhith a' coiseachd gu m' obair.
I prefer to walk to my work.
Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil e nas fhallaine agus nas fheàrr don àrainneachd.
I think it's healthier and better for the environment.
'S e an dòigh as saoire cuideachd!
It's the cheapest way as well!
Saoilidh mi gur ann air a' bhàt'-aiseig a b' fheàrr leat siubhal dhan Eilean Sgitheanach.
I think it's by boat you prefer to travel to the Isle of Skye.
A bheil mi ceart?
Am I right?
An ann air a' bhàta a b' fheàrr leat siubhal dhan Eilean Sgitheanach?
Would you prefer to travel by boat [lit: Is it on the boat that you prefer to travel?]
Carson a bha sibh anmoch?
When someone asks the question carson ? (why?), we have to give a reason. Let's look at words for 'because' in Gaelic.
a chionn 's
because, since
a thoradh 's
due to
air sàillibh 's
air sgàth 's
air tàillibh 's
oir …
Carson a b' fheàrr leat tighinn air an trèan(a)?
Why would prefer with you coming on the train?
A chionn 's gu bheil an trèan(a) nas luaithe.
Because the train quicker/faster.
Carson a bha sibh anmoch?
Why were you late?
Bha sinn anmoch a thoradh na stailc rèile.
We were late, due to the rail strike.
Gabhaidh mi an trèan(a) air sgàth 's gu bheil sin nas cofhurtaile na am bus.
I take the train because it's more comfortable than the bus.
We saw questions with chuir in the past tense in Cuspair 1. We can see in this table that Carson? (why?) combines with the independent form of the verb cuir .
Ciamar a chuir | Càit an do chuir |
Cò chuir | |
Dè chuir | |
Cuin a chuir | |
Cia mheud a chuir | |
Carson a chuir |