Bilingual transcription: Phrases about transport
Bilingual transcription: Abairtean mu chòmhdhail
Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her favourite useful phrases.
This time let's look back at: transport .
Abair gu bheil sinn air astar a shiubhal anns a’ phrògram seo, agus tha sinn air tòrr ionnsachadh. Nach toir sinn sùil aithghearr air cuid dhen ionnsachadh sin.
To ask someone how they're travelling, it’s:
Ciamar a bhios tu / a' siubhal ...? Ciamar a bhios tu a' siubhal ...?
We've compared some aspects of travel using nas and as.
To say something is more expensive, it’s
nas cosgaile ; nas cosgaile
And if something is faster, it’s nas luaithe , nas luaithe.
But if you want to say something is the most expensive it’s,
as cosgaile ; as cosgaile
And if you want to say something is the fastest it’s as luaithe ; as luaithe.