Air Feadh an t-Saoghail
Around the World

Around the World
Air Feadh an t-Saoghail
Topic Introduction
An ann à Astràilia a tha thu?
Are you from Australia?
Section 1
Rugadh mi ann an Sydney
I was born in Sydney
Section 2
Coltas àite
A place's description
Section 3
Làithean-saora spaideil
Fancy holidays
Section 4
Na chòrdas ri duine
What a person enjoys
Section 5
An t-àite as fheàrr
The best place
Section 6
Around the World - Dèanta!
Around the World - Dèanta!
Section 7
Topic 2 (A2) Air Feadh an t-Saoghail Around the World
Gasta! We’ve already looked at the names of Scottish islands, towns and cities and we have also looked at some European countries. We will develop this further in this topic.
You’ll learn how to:
- A’ faighneachd cò às a tha daoine | Asking where people are from
- A’ bruidhinn air rudan as toil le daoine | Talking about what things people like
- Barrachd àitichean | More places
- A’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an àite | Talking about the place
- A’ bruidhinn air an àite far an do rugadh daoine | Talking about where people are born
- A’ dèanamh choimeasan eadar rudan | Making comparisons
You’ll also learn about:
- Buadhairean coimeasach: nas /as | Comparative adjectives: nas / as
- Am guth fulangach: Rugadh is thogadh | The passive voice: I was born and raised
- An Tuiseal Tabhartach | The Dative Case
- Gnìomhairean san tràth theachdail agus chaithte | Verbs in the past and future tense
- Ainmean-àite | Place names
- Ainmean Dhùthchannan | Names of countries
- Nàiseantachd | Nationalities
- Coltas bhailtean is àitichean | Descriptions of towns and places
- Buadhairean coimeasach | Comparative adjectives
- thall thairis v a-null thairis
- Bilingual Transcription: Cothrom cabadaich air-loidhne: Air feadh an t-saoghail
- Bilingual Transcription: Anns a' phàirc: Air feadh an t-saoghail