The Indigenous People
Na Tùsanaich
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Listen to this excerpt from BBC Radio nan Gàidheal's Prògram Choinnich.
Some of the new vocabulary you'll need is below.
Remember: you can change the speed in the settings.
It doesn't matter if you didn’t understand the whole piece.
It's useful to be listening to good Gaelic and to get used to it.
Listen to the recording again, but now read the tar-sgrìobhadh (transcription) which you will find on 22B Duilleag Obrach at the same time.
Answer the questions about the recording. The answers can all be found between 01:10 and 01:59 in the clip:
How did you get on?
Ann am Beurla, dè chanas sinn ris na daoine a bha a' fuireach ann bho thùs?
Ciamar a chanas tu sin sa Ghàidhlig?
Cò às a thàinig 'na daoine geala'?
Càit am buin na tùsanaich à Ameireagaidh is à Canada bho thùs?
Dè an t-ainm air an treubh/sluagh nas fharsainge dom buin na Mi'kmaq?