There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Na Ciad Nàiseanaich (The First Nations peoples). Let's look at some of them again in context.
Eachdraidh bhrònach
A sad/sorrowful history
Tha eachdraidh bhrònach aig mòran
Many peoples have a sorrowful history
Fada mus tàinig na Gàidheil à Alba
Long before the Gaels came from Scotland
Muinntir Bhreatainn
British people
Na Frangaich
The French
Coma leat.
Never (you) mind.
Aimeireaga a Tuath
North America
Mìltean de bhliadhnaichean
Thousands of years
… às an Roinn-Eòrpa
… from Europe
'S e Ciad-nàiseanaich Chanada a th' aca orra
They call them the First Nations people of Canada
Na Tùsanaich Aimeireaganach
The Native Americans
'S iad na Mi'kmaq a bhios a' fuireach
It's the Mi'kmaq who live
An ear-thuath nan Stàitean Aonaichte
In (The) north-east of the United States
An do dh'fhuiling na Mi'kmaq …?
Did the Mi'kmaq suffer …?
Ged a bha iad ann bho thùs …
Even though they had been there originally …
… cha tug na h-ùghdarrasan urram dhaibh
… the authorities didn't respect them
… dh'fheuch iad ri cur às do …
… they tried to abolish …
… chultar, cànan is dualchas nam Mi'kmaq
the cultur, language and heritage of the Mi'kmaq
Thàinig piseach air cùisean
The situation has improved
Laghan ùra
New laws [agreements]
… a' gleidheadh nan còraichean aca
… enshrining their rights
… a' dìon cànan, fearann agus dòigh-beatha nam Mi'kmaq
… protecting the Mi'kmaq language, land and way of life
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.