First Nations peoples of Canada
Ciad-nàiseanaich Chanada
It's not only the influence of Gaelic we see on the map of Nova Scotia, and indeed, it isn't a dùthaich ùr (new country) to the First Nations peoples.
They are the people who were living in Canada before the people from Europe were settled there.
Mi'kmaq is the name of the indigenous people who were living there originally in Nova Scotia.
The Mi'kmaq are one of the Algonquin treubhan (tribes) in the east of Canada.
On the map you will see the main groups of the Mi'kmaq and some of their placenames.

Because the Gaels and the Mi'kmaq are mion-shluaghan (minority peoples), and they have/speak mion-chànain minority languages, they have a friendship now and they learn from each other and help one another.
Canada is attempting to deal with the history of the Ìmpireachd Breatannaiche (British Empire) and colonachd (colonialism).
At one time it was attempted to do away with the language and culture of the First Nations peoples, but now there are oidhirpean dì–cholonachaidh (decolonisation initiatives).
The Mi'kmaq Education Act 1998 [An Act Respecting Education on Mi'kmaq Reserves in Nova Scotia] established a group called Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey which organises schools in the Mi'kmaq communities and teaches their language.
There are other organisations such as Aonadh Mi'kmaw na h-Alba Nuaidh (The Union of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq) for the culture and rights of the Mi'kmaq.
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don't—no problem!
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