Nova Scotia
Alba Nuadh

Alba Nuadh
Nova Scotia
Topic Introduction
An dùthaich ùr agus an t-seann dùthaich
The new country and the old country
Section 1
Chaidh na Gàidheil fhuadach
The Gaels were cleared
Section 2
An drochaid eadarainn
The bridge between us
Section 3
Na Ciad Nàiseanaich
The First Nations peoples
Section 4
Alba Nuadh – Dèanta!
Nova Scotia - Dèanta!
Section 5
Topic 22 (B1) Nova Scotia Alba Nuadh
Fàilte air ais!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Alba Nuadh (Nova Scotia).
You’ll learn how to:
- fiosrach air na Gàidheil agus a' Ghàidhlig ann an Canada | knowing about the Gaels and Gaelic language in Canada
- a' bruidhinn air na h-adhbharan a thug air daoine an dùthaich fhàgail | talking about the reasons people were forced to emigrate
- a' beachdachadh air cultar na Gàidhlig ann an Alba Nuadh, Canada | discussing Gaelic culture in Nova Scotia, Canada
- a' bruidhinn air na diofaran eadar Gàidhlig na h-Alba agus Canada | talking about the differences between Gaelic language in Scotland and Canada
You’ll also learn about:
- buadhairean ron ainmear | adjectives preceding the noun
- fulangach le CHAIDH + buadhairean seilbheach (a-rithist) | passive voice with CHAIDH + possessive adjectives (again)
- roimhearan: EADAR | prepositions: EADAR
- co-ghnìomhairean: A-NULL, A-NALL, THALL, A-BHOS (a-rithist) | adverbs: A-NULL, A-NALL, THALL, A-BHOS (again)
- Bilingual transcription: Na Fuadaichean
- Bilingual transcription: Dannsa-ceum
- Bilingual transcription: Eadar
- Bilingual transcription: Alba Nuadh