When we are over there
Nuair a bhios sinn thall an sin
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.
Bu toil leam tadhal air na taighean-tasgaidh aca nuair a bhios sinn thall an sin.
I would like to visit their museums when we are over there.
Tha mi cinnteach gun tèid ar n-ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh na h-Alba Nuaidh thall an sin.
I am sure that we'll get taught about the history of Nova Scotia over there.
Thèid do ionnsachadh an-dràsta—a-bhos an seo.
You'll get taught now—over here.
Ciamar a thèid mo ionnsachadh agus sinn an Alba fhathast?
How will I get taught with us [and us] still in Scotland?
Chaidh eachdraidh na h-Alba Nuaidh a theagasg nuair a bha mi sa cholaiste.
The history of Nova Scotia was taught when I was at college.
Innis dhomh, ma-thà!
Tell me then!
Chaidh na ciad Ghàidheil à Alba a thuineachadh san t-seachdamh linn deug.
The first Gaels from Scotland were settled in the seventeenth century.
Cha robh fios ’am air a sin.
I didn't know that.
Ach chaidh a' chuid bu mhotha de Ghàidheil fhuadach às an fhearann aca ann an Alba bho dheireadh na h-ochdamh linn deug. Agus lean an eilthireachd oirre tron naoidheamh linn deug cuideachd.
But the biggest number of Gaels were cleared from their land in Scotland from the end of the eighteenth century. And the exile/emigration continued through the nineteenth century as well.
An deach am fuadach bho dhiofar sgìrean air a' Ghàidhealtachd?
Were they cleared from different areas of the Highlands?
Chaidh gu dearbh. Chaidh am fuadach bho àiteachan mar Loch Abar, Mùideart, Cnòideart, Uibhist a Deas is Earra-Ghàidheal.
They were indeed. They were cleared from places like Lochaber, Moidart, Knoydart, South Uist and Argyll.
Agus sin is coireach gu bheil mi a' faicinn ainmean-àite bho na sgìrean sin air a' mhapa. Chunnaic mi An t-Òban, Mòrar agus Dùn Bheagan!
And that's the reason that I see placenames from these areas on the map! I saw Oban, Morar and Dunvegan!