

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Chaidh na Gàidheil fhuadach (The Gaels were cleared). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Tadhal air na taighean-tasgaidh aca
Visit their museums
Thall an sin
Over there
… gun tèid ar n-ionnsachadh
… that we'll get taught
Eachdraidh na h-Alba Nuaidh
The history of Nova Scotia
Thèid do ionnsachadh
You'll get taught
A-bhos an seo
Over here
Ciamar a thèid mo ionnsachadh?
How will I get taught?
Chaidh na ciad Ghàidheil à Alba a thuineachadh
The first Gaels from Scotland were settled
… san t-seachdamh linn deug
… in the seventeenth century
Chaidh a' chuid bu mhotha de Ghàidheil fhuadach
The biggest number of Gaels were cleared
… às an fhearann aca
… from their land
Deireadh na h-ochdamh linn deug
The end of the eighteenth century
Lean an eilthireachd oirre
The exile continued
An naoidheamh linn deug
The nineteenth century
An deach am fuadach …?
Were they cleared …?
Sin is coireach
That's the reason
… ainmean-àite bho na sgìrean sin air a' mhapa
… placenames from these areas on the map

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.