Get away home!
Tog ort dhachaigh!
Look at these sentences with the verb tog (lift, raise).
Thog iad air gun do ghoid e an tractar.
They accused him of stealing the tractor.
Thog iad fianais na aghaidh.
They gave evidence against him.
Thog iad fianais an aghaidh milleadh àrainneachd
They protested against environmental damage.
Tog ort dhachaigh!
Get away home!
Here are just a few of the idioms with tog .
tog an acair
weigh (lift) the anchor
tog an lìon
lift/raise the net
tog dealbh
take a picture
tog do cheann
make an appearance
tog am fonn
thog a' ghaoth
the wind picked up
tog an taigh
build the house
tog an teine
kindle the fire
tog a' phrìs
raise the price
tog ort!
off you go, get a move on!
tog am buntàta
lift the potatoes