Who will peel the potatoes?
Cò bhios a' rùsgadh a' bhuntàta?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Nach ann air àiteachas a thàinig an dà latha!
Hasn't agriculture changed! (lit Didn't the two days come on agriculture!)

Dè tha thu a' ciallachadh?
What do you mean?

Anns na seann làithean, cha robh guth air dian–àiteachas no puinnsean bhiastagan le stuthan ceimigeach.
In the old days, intensive agriculture or chemical pesticides was unheard of.

'S ann a bha na daoine a thàinig romhainn a' dìon àiteachas!
The people who came before us were protecting agriculture!

Ged a mhaireas dian–àiteachas agus tuathanasan malairteach, gu ìre, tha an saoghal air tionndadh.
Although intensive agriculture and commercial farms will survive, to some extent, the world has turned.

Nithear oidhirp air dòighean nas seasmhaiche a–nis, mar àiteachas fàs–bheairteach agus buan–àiteachas fiù 's.
There's more endeavour behind sustainable methods now, such as organic agriculture and even permaculture.

Chuir mise romham gun a bhith ag ithe glasraich a bhios a' tighinn o thall thairis. Chuir mi buntàta, snèip is curranan sa ghàrradh am-bliadhna.
I decided not to eat vegetables that come from abroad. I planted potatoes, turnips and carrots in the garden this year.

'S fheàrr leamsa feòil a chaidh a thogail gu seasmhach, gu cùramach, agus a bhios a' tighinn on dùthaich seo fhèin.
I prefer meat that has been raised sustainably, with care, and that comes from this country itself.

Ach dè mu dheidhinn bradan bho thuathanasan–èisg san dùthaich seo?
But what about salmon from fish farms in this country?

Cha ghabh idir! Tog an seòl, tog an ràmh! Agus tog an lìon gus am faigh mi … mo bhiadh mi fhìn!
No thanksl! Raise the sail, raise the oar! And raise the net so that I can get … my own food!

Nise, buntàta is sgadan – siud biadh math! Buntàta aig Màiri agus sgadan – no bradan – aig Iain!
Now, potatoes and herring – that's good food (a good meal)! Màiri's potatoes and John's herring – or salmon!

Ach chan eil mise ag ithe feòil sam bith! Agus cò bhios a' rùsgadh a' bhuntàta?
But I don't eat any meat! And who will peel the potatoes?

'S e obair chruaidh a tha sin!
That is hard work!

Nise, a' rùsgadh chaorach, no a' cartadh a' bhàthaich no a' togail acair? 'S e obair chruaidh a tha sin!
Now, shearing sheep, or mucking out the byre or weighing anchor? That's hard work!