What's bothering (troubling) you?

Dè tha a' cur ort?

There are many expressions with the verbs put cuir (put) agus tog (lift).

In this part of the lesson, we are going to look at different expressions that go with these verbs.

Look at these sentences with the verb cuir (put) first.

Chuir iad thuige an teine nuair a ràinig iad an taigh.
They lit/kindled the fire when they reached the house.
Dè tha a' cur ort?
What's bothering (troubling) you?
Dè tha thu a' cur ort?
What are you putting on (to wear)?
Cha do chuir iad crìoch air an obair.
They did not finish the work.

Here are some more useful idioms with cuir .

cuir an aghaidh
oppose, challenge
cuir an cèill
cuir an lìon
cast the net
cuir dragh air
bother, trouble, annoy
cuir gu bàs
kill, put to death
cuir sìos air
talk badly of, belittle
cuir às leth
cuir buntàta
plant potatoes
cuir sìol
plant seeds