Chat with a friend
Cabadaich le caraid
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don't – no problem – you can have double the fun!
Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.
An do thog thu acair no lìon a–riamh?
Have you ever picked up an anchor or a net?
Cò air a chuir thusa dragh mu dheireadh?
Who did you last bother/annoy?
Cuin agus cò dheth a thog thu dealbh leis a' fòn agad an t–seachdain seo?
When and of whom did you take a picture with your phone this week?
An do chuir thu sìos air duine sam bith air a' mhìos seo?
Did you put anyone down/talk badly of someone this month?
Cò agus carson?
Who and why?
An do chuir no an cuir thu sìol anns a' ghàrradh agad am–bliadhna? Dè?
Have you planted or will you plant seeds in your garden this year? What?
There are many more expressions with the verbs put cuir (put) agus tog (lift) and if you put these words into the dictionary, you will see many examples there. Feuch e!