Long legs and a big head
Casan fada is ceann mòr
We are going to talk about pàirtean den bhodhaig (parts of the body). In Gaelic, we say that parts of the body are oirnn (on us), and to do that we use the preposition air (on).
ceann mòr
a large head
cluasan mòra
big ears
aodann brèagha
a pretty face
amhaich fhada
a long neck
gàirdeanan fada
long arms
casan goirid
short legs
beul beag
a small mouth
falt fada
long hair
aghaidh mhòr
a large face
sròn mhòr
a big nose
làmhan mòra
big hands
guailnean làidir
strong shoulders
Let's add to that list with some words and phrases from the conversation.
A bheil do cheann goirt?
Is your head sore?
ceann goirt
sore head
cràdh (m)
pain (suffering)
tha cràdh uabhasach nam chluasan
a terrible pain in my ears
brag (m)
crack (bang)
chuala mi brag
I heard a crack