Complete for 2 points

A' bhuille mu dheireadh

The final blow

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Bha mi a’ bruidhinn ri mo sheanair an latha roimhe mun Ghàidhlig. I was talking to my grandfather the other day about Gaelic.
Seadh. Dè bha e ag ràdh? Uh–huh. What was he saying?
‘S mathaid gum b’ e an dà chogadh mhòr a’ bhuille mu dheireadh dhan Ghàidhlig anns na h–Eileanan. That perhaps the two world wars were the final blow for Gaelic in the Islands.
‘S e an fhìrinn a th’ aige. He’s absolutely right [It’s the truth that he has.]
Ach nach eil sin rud beag … làidir? But isn’t that just a little bit … strong?
Chan eil. Smaoinich air na chaidh romhainn, na daoine a chaidh romhainn. Chaidh an t–uabhas de dh’fhireannaich òga a mharbhadh, thall thairis air feadh an t–saoghail. It isn’t. Think of what went before us, the people who went before us. An awful lot of young men were killed, abroad all over the world.
Agus nach do thachair sin do dhaoin’ eile air feadh an t–saoghail? And didn’t that happen to other people all over the world?
Thachair. Ach cuimhnich, bhiodh fada barrachd dhaoine a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig ron chiad chogadh. It did [happen]. But remember, there were many more people speaking Gaelic before the first war.
Cha do smaoinich mi cus mu dheidhinn sin roimhe seo. I didn’t think about that too much before now.
Agus mar a tha fhios agad, air an slighe dhachaigh bhon Chiad Chogadh chaidh còrr is 200 a mharbhadh san tubaist mhòir uabhasaich An Iolaire. And as you know, on their way home from the First War, more than 200 were killed in the terrible disaster of the Iolaire.
Dìreach. Call na h–Iolaire. Agus thadhail mi air Carragh–Chuimhne na h–Iolaire. Indeed. The Loss of the Iolaire. And I visited the Iolaire Memorial.
Tha ceud bliadhna ann bhon uair sin ach thathas fhathast mothachail air a’ bhròn sin. It’s a hundred years since then but that sorrow is still felt.
Nuair a smaoinicheas mi air na làithean tha romhainn, nach dèan sinn ar dìcheall air sgàth na Gàidhlig. When I think of the days that are ahead of us, let’s do our best for the sake of Gaelic.