An dàrna turas: That's the girl who made the poster!
Take two: 'S e sin an nighean a rinn am postair
Let's have a look at the conversation again.

Seall, a Mhàiri! 'S e sin an nighean a rinn am postair.
Look, Màiri. That's the girl who made the poster!

Dè rinn i?
What did she do?

Rinn i am postair airson film ùr. Am film a rinn iad ann am Port Rìgh an-uiridh.
She made the poster for a new film. The film they made in Portree last year.

Tha cuimhn' agam a-nis. Agus seall!
I remember now. And look!

Dè chunnaic thu?
What did you see?

Sin am prìomh-actair san dealbh! Cha robh fhios agam gum biodh na rionnagan ann an-diugh!
That's the lead actor in the film! I didn't know the stars would be here today!

Sin fear eile.
There's another.

Ò, chan fhaca mi e. Càit an deach e?
Oh, I didn't see him. Where did he go?

Thall an sin, ri taobh a' phostair!
Over there, beside the poster!

Sin e, ceart gu leòr.
There he is/that's him, right enough.

Agus seo fear eile. An duine bochd! Seo an duine nach d' fhuair duais.
And here's another. Poor guy! This is the man who didn't get a prize!

Uill, cha do dhùin doras nach do dh'fhosgail doras!
Well, no door ever closed but another one opened!