
Topic Introduction
An obair agam
My work
Section 1
Dè an obair a th’ agad?
What’s your job?
Section 2
Càit a bheil thu ag obair?
Where do you work?
Section 3
Càit a bheil iad ag obair?
Where do they work?
Section 4
Càit an robh thu ag obair?
Where did you work?
Section 5
Inbhe obrach
Work status
Section 6
Obair - Dèanta!
Work - complete!
Section 7
Topic 7 Obair Work
Glè mhath! We can now come to everybody’s favourite topic in their life - their work. What do you mean it’s not yours? OK, OK, we get it, it’s not yours, it’s still a topic of conversation so we will take you through it right now.
You’ll learn how to:
- Talk about your job
- Ask about jobs
- Ask where people work
- Ask where other people work
- Ask where people used to work
- Say where you used to work
- Talk about your job status
You’ll also learn about:
- Jobs
- Plural job titles
- Workplaces
- Conditions of employment
- Bilingual transcription - Anns a' phàirc: Obair
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Obair