Structure: I will sing / I regularly sing

Structair: Bidh mi a’ seinn

Use the following phrases to say you do something habitually. 

Bidh mi …
I …
Bidh mi a’ seinn
I sing
Bidh mi a’ còcaireachd
I cook
Bidh mi ag ithe
I eat

We have met to be in the past  bha , in the present,  tha  and now we meet it in the  future  –  bidh . However, this is a two-for-one lesson and it is also used to describe things you do regularly and repeatedly. This tense is known in English as the habitual present , but Gaelic uses the future form . Confusing? Not really – it’s usually clear from the context whether someone’s meaning ‘I’ll be doing this’ or ‘I regularly do this’.”

Tha mi a’ ruith
I am running
Bha mi a’ ruith
I was running
Bidh mi a’ ruith a-màireach
I will be running tomorrow
Bidh mi a’ ruith gach latha
I run each day

You can talk about others. 

Bidh Màiri a’ snàmh
Mary regularly swims / Mary will be swimming
Bidh Calum ag ithe
Malcolm regularly eats / Malcom will be eating
Bidh Mairead a’ seinn a h-uile latha
Margaret will be singing every day / Margaret sings every day.
Bidh e a’ ruith gach latha
He runs each day

Here is the structure to ask and answer if someone does a particular action regularly. 

You can give a full response.

Am bi Màiri a’ snàmh gach seachdain?
Does Mary swim every week?
Am bi Calum ag ithe gach uair?
Does Malcolm eat every hour?
Am bi Mairead a’ seinn a h-uile latha?
Does Margaret sing each day?
Am bi e a’ ruith gach latha?
Does he run every day?

If you are not in a talkative mood, you could use the short answers!