Tìde Dheth
Time Off

Time Off
Tìde Dheth
Topic Introduction
Abair spòrs!
What fun!
Section 1
Rudan as toil leam!
Things I like
Section 2
Cur-seachadan cunbhalach
Regular hobbies
Section 3
Clàr-ama nan cur-seachadan
Hobby timetable
Section 4
Bruidhinn air làithean-saora
Talk about holidays
Section 5
Bruidhinn air seann làithean-saora
Talk about past holidays
Section 6
Tìde dheth - Dèanta!
Time Off - complete!
Section 7
Topic 8 Tìde Dheth Time Off
Gabh spòrs! We never have enough time to do the fun things in life. We can at least learn to talk about these things.
You’ll learn how to:
- Talk about likes and dislikes
- Discuss sports, hobbies and interests
- Talk and ask about holidays
- Discuss going different places
You’ll also learn about:
- Sports and hobbies
- Some modal verbs
- The past tense (including irregular common verbs)
- Verbal nouns
- The regular present tense
- Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh ùr: Cur-seachadan
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Làithean-saora