Structure: to be

Structair: a bhith

A bhith

a bhith
to be

We have met to be in the past  bha  (was ) , in the present  tha  (is), and the future and the habitual present –  bidh  (will be). However, we need to know the infinitive  a bhith (to be) . Unlike other infinitives and verbal nouns, the following are always true: 

  • It is always lenited 
  • It is never used with  bha  or  bidh  
  • It is always followed by a verbal noun with  a ’ or  ag  
Cuin as toil leibh a bhith a’ còcaireachd?
When do you like to cook?
Ciamar as toil leis a bhith a’ còcaireachd?
How does he like to cook?
Carson as toil leatha a bhith a’ còcaireachd?
Why does she like to cook?
Dè as toil leat a bhith a’ còcaireachd?
What do you like to cook?

As we know  càit  always likes to be different. 

Càit an toil leat a bhith a’ còcaireachd?
Where do you like to cook?

Here is the structure to ask and answer these questions 

[Question] an toil [person] a bhith [verbal noun]? 

Is toil [person] a bhith [verbal noun][condition] Cha toil [person] a bhith [verbal noun] [condition]  

Is toil le Màiri a bhith a’ snàmh anns a’ mhuir
Mary likes to swim in the sea
Is toil le Calum a bhith ag ithe oir tha e èasgaidh
Malcolm likes to eat as he is lively
Is toil le Mairead a bhith a’ seinn a h-uile latha oir tha i math air
Margaret likes to sing each day as she is good at it
Is toil le Ealasaid a bhith a’ ruith gach latha gu math luath
Elizabeth likes to run everyday very quickly