John’s holidays
Làithean-saora Iain
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!

An toil leat làithean-saora?
Do you like holidays?

Is fìor thoil leam làithean-saora!
I really like holidays!

Càit am bi thu a’ dol?
Where do you go?

Bidh mi a’ dol a dh’Èirinn.
I go to Ireland.

Cuin a tha thu a’ dol ann?
When are you going there?

Tha mi a’ dol dhan Fhraing am-bliadhna agus tha mi a’ falbh a dh’Èirinn an ath-bhliadhna!
I am going to France this year and I’m away to Ireland next year!

Ciamar a tha thu a’ dol ann?
How are you going there?

Air itealan.
On a plane.

Carson a tha thu a’ dol ann?
Why are you going there?

Dhan Fhraing? Is toil leam am biadh!
To France? I like the food!

Càit am bi thu a’ fuireach?
Where will you stay?

Bidh mi a’ fuireach ann an taigh-òsta.
I will stay in a hotel.