Bilingual transcription - Online: Holidays

Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Làithean-saora

Ailis, Anndra, Seumas and Catrìona all meet up online to discuss holidays.

An Spàinn! Is toil leam a bhith a’ dol dhan Spàinn air làithean-saora.

Spain! I like going on holiday.

Càit am bi thu a’ dol?

Where do you go?

Bidh mi a’ dol gu Asturias agus Catalòinia. Is toil leam sreap agus coiseachd. An toil leat làithean-saora Ailis?

I go to Asturias and Catalonia. I like climbing and walking. Do you like holidays Alice?

’S toil. Bidh mi a’ dol do na Stàitean Aonaichte. Bidh mi a’ dol gu fèis chiùil ann am Boston.

I do. I go to the United States of America. I go to a music festival in Boston.

Chaidh mi gu na Stàitean Aonaichte aon turas. Is toil leam an Roinn Eòrpa.

I went to the United States of America once. I like Europe.

Càit an deach thu anns an Roinn Eòrpa a Sheumais?

Where did you go in Europe James?

Chaidh mi dhan Fhraing agus dhan Eilbheis. Agus chaidh mi dhan Spàinn an-uiridh.

I went to France and to Switzerland. And I went to Spain last year.



Am bi thu a’ falbh air làithean-saora am bliadhna Anndra?

Will you be going on holiday this year, Andrew?

Bithidh! Bidh mi a’ sreap agus a’ coiseachd ann an Catalòinia.

Yes! I’ll be climbing and walking in Catalonia.

Am bi thusa a’ dol air làithean-saora am bliadhna a Chatrìona?

Will you be going on holiday this year Katherine?

Bithidh! Bidh mi a’ dol a dh’Alba. Bidh mi a’ dol dha na Hearadh.

Yes, I’ll be going to Scotland. I’ll be going to Harris.

Nach bi an t-sìde fuar ann an Alba?

Won’t the weather be cold in Scotland?

Bithidh! Is toil leam na beanntan anns na Hearadh.

Yes! I like the hills in Harris.

‘S toil leamsa na beanntan anns an Spàinn.

I like the hills in Spain.

‘S toil leam na tràighean anns an Spàinn.

I like the beaches in Spain.

‘S toil leamsa na tràighean anns na Hearadh.

I like the beaches in Harris.