
Topic Introduction
Aireamhan 1-30
Àireamhan 1-10
Section 1
Ag innse na h-uarach
Telling the time
Section 2
Dè tha a’ tachairt?
What’s happening?
Section 3
Cuin a tha seo a’ tachairt?
When’s this happening?
Section 4
Greisean ùine
Length of time
Section 5
Cuin a bha seo a’ tachairt?
When was this happening?
Section 6
Cuin a thachair seo?
When did this happen?
Section 7
Tìde - Dèanta!
Time - complete
Section 8
Topic 6 Tìde Time
Obh obh! Time, we never have enough of it and we will look at this fundamental topic right now!
In this topic, you’ll learn how to:
You’ll learn how to:
- Tell the time
- Talk about what is happening
- Talk about when something is happening
- Talk about when something happened