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Complete for 2 points

Eacarsaich chànain

Language exercise

Listen to the recording one more time, but now read the transcription on the screen at the same time.

How would you answer these questions about the recording?

Cò tha a’ cuideachadh Dhòmhnaill [Sweeny] agus ciamar a tha e ga chuideachadh?

Who is helping Dòmhnall [Sweeny] and how is he helping him?

Dè na buannachdan a fhuair a’ chomhairle air sgàth ‘s na tha Sweeny a’ dèanamh?

What are the advantages that the council got because of what Sweeny is doing?

Cia mheud tunna de sgudal a tha Sweeny air sàbhaladh?

How many tonnes of rubbish has Sweeny saved?

Here are the answers below!

Cò tha a’ cuideachadh Dhòmhnaill [Sweeny] agus ciamar a tha e ga chuideachadh?

A nàbaidh, James (Seumas)

His neighbour, James

Dè na buannachdan a fhuair a’ chomhairle air sgàth ‘s na tha Sweeny a’ dèanamh?

A’ sàbhaladh cìs–sgudail dhan comhairle

Saving refuse tax for the council

Cia mheud tunna de sgudal a tha Sweeny air sàbhaladh?

Co–dhiù leth–cheud tunna de sgudal

At least 50 tonnes of rubbish


Dè do bheachd fhèin air an ath–chuairteachadh seo?

What do you think of this recycling?

An robh Sweeny ceart nuair a thuirt e gu bheil daoine air a bhith ag ath–chuairteachadh airson bhliadhnaichean?

Was Sweeny right when he said that people have been recycling for years?

Dè bhiodh daoine a’ dèanamh nuair a bha thusa na b’ òige?

What would people do when you were younger?