Reduce, reuse and recycle

Lùghdaich, ath–chleachd agus ath–chuairtich

What could we do for the sake of climate change?

We must all think about how we can protect the environment, and lùghdachadh (reduce), ath–chleachdadh (re–use) and ath–chuairteachadh (recycle) are the things that we should all be doing daily.

But there are other things we could do as well.

ith daithead le barrachd glasraich ann
eat a diet with more vegetables in it
cleachd còmhdhail phoblach an àite chàraichean
use public transport instead of cars
ath–chuairtich pàipear, plastaig agus meatailt
recycle paper, plastic and metal
cleachd barrachd stuth so–sheasmhach
use more sustainable materials/stuff

What things do you do regularly to protect the environment?

An ath–chuairtich thu pàipear, plastaig agus meatailt?
Do you recycle paper, plastic and metal?
An do dh'atharraich thu an daithead agad?
Did you change your diet?
Dè na rudan so–sheasmhach a chleachdas tu gu tric?
What are the sustainable things you use often?
Agus a bheil rudan a bharrachd a dh'fhaodadh tu dèanamh?
And are there more things that you could do?
Dhèanadh | An Dèanadh

We saw the verb dèan (make, do) in the conditional tense inCuspair 9 and Cuspair 23 .

This verb is useful to us when talking about things which would benefit the environment.

Ciamar a dhèanadh ?Càit an dèanadh ?
Cò | Dè dhèanadh ?Mura dèanadh
Cuin a dhèanadh ?Nan dèanadh
Carson a dhèanadh ? 
An dèanadh tu barrachd airson an àrainneachd a dhìon?
Would you do more to protect the environment?
Dhèanadh! Dhèanainn barrachd airson an àrainneachd a dhìon.
I would (do). I would do more to protect the environment!
Dè dhèanadh tu?
What would you do?
Dh'atharraichinn an daithead agam agus dhèanainn barrachd ath–chuairteachaidh.
I would change my diet and I would do more recycling.
Ciamar a dhèanadh tu sin?
How would you do that?
Dh'ithinn nas lugha feòil agus chleachdainn còmhdhail phoblach nas trice.
I would eat less meat and I would use public transport more often.
Carson a dhèanadh tu sin?
Why would you do that?
Saoilidh mi gun dèanadh sin diofar dhan àrainneachd far a bheil mise a' fuireach.
I think that that would make a difference to the environment where I live.