There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Dè dhèanadh tu fhèin? (What would you do?). Let's look at some of them again in context.
... gus an àrainneachd a dhìon
... to protect the environment
Dhèanainn atharrachaidhean
I would make changes
Lùghdaich, ath–chleachd agus ath–chuairtich
Reduce, re–use and recycle
… air sgàth atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde
… because of/for the sake of climate change
Means of travel
Còmhdhail phoblach
Public transport
A–muigh air an dùthaich
Out in the country
Cha bu chòir dhomh roghainnean a dhèanamh
I shouldn't make choices
Tha mi a' dèanamh mo dhìcheall
I am doing my utmost
… a' caomhnadh dealan
… saving electricity
Uinneagan dà–fhillte
Ionsulaideadh (m)
Dè eile a dhèanadh feum?
What else would be of use?
Lùth ath–nuadhachail
Renewable energy
Pailteas ghoireasan
Plenty of resources
Uisge, làn is gaoth
Water, tide and wind
Seasmhach (adj)
Earbsach (adj)
Solar power
Chan eil sin buileach fìor.
That's not quite true.
Bidh buannachdan ann
There [are] will be benefits
Reachdas (m)
Reachdas bho riaghaltasan
Legislation from governments
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.