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Dè thachradh nam biodh stoirmean na bu chumanta ann an Alba?

What would happen if storms were more common in Scotland?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Dè thachradh nam biodh an aimsir na bu theotha, saoil? What would happen if the weather were hotter, do you think?
Nam biodh an aimsir na bu teotha? Tha an aimsir nas teotha mar–thà. Nach robh thu a’ leantainn COP26 ann an Alba, is eile? If the weather were hotter? The weather is hotter already. Weren’t you following COP26 in Scotland, and so forth?
Och bha! Tha an aimsir a’ fàs nas blàithe gun teagamh. Tha fhios againn gum biodh buaidh aige sin air an àrainneachd—gum biodh a’ mhuir na b’ àirde. Och I was! The weather is getting warmer without a doubt. We know that that would have an effect on the environment—that the sea would rise [would be higher].
Dè a’ bhuaidh a bhiodh ann nam biodh a’ mhuir na b’ àirde? What would be the impact if the sea rose?
Bhiodh cuid de thaighean is eileanan fon mhuir. Tha seo air tachairt ann an cuid de dhùthchannan mar–thà. Some houses and islands would be under the sea. This has happened in some countries already.
Tha sin eagalach. Dè thachradh nam biodh stoirmean na bu chumanta ann an Alba? That’s frightening. What would happen if storms were more common in Scotland?
Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil i nas stoirmeile, agus nas caochlaidiche san fharsaingeachd. I’m sure that it is stormier, and more changeable in general.
Aig an àm seo dhen bhliadhna, b’ àbhaist dhut a bhith cinnteach dè seòrsa aimsire a bhiodh agad nam biodh tu ag obair a–muigh. At this time of year, you used to be certain what kind of weather you would have if you were working outside.
No aig muir! Agus a–nis tha an t–sìde a’ fàs nas mì–earbsaiche. Or at sea! And now the weather is getting more unreliable.
Sin e dìreach. Chan eil i daonnan nas blàithe far a bheil sinne. Uaireannan tha an aimsir nas fhuaire. That’s just it. It isn’t always warmer where we are. Sometimes the weather is colder.
Tha a’ ghnàth–shìde a’ dol am miosad, a’ fàs nas fliuiche, nas blàithe agus nas fhuaire. The climate is worsening, getting wetter, warmer and colder!
Ciamar a bhios a’ ghnàth–shìde a’ dol am feabhas? How will the climate improve?
A chàirdean, tha roghainnean againn. ‘S urrainn dhuinn ar dòigh–beatha atharrachadh, lùth ath–nuadhachail a leasachadh, agus roghainnean seasmhach a dhèanamh anns gach rud a nì sinn. Friends, we have choices. We can change our lifestyle, develop renewable energy and make sustainable choices in everything we do.