Climate change
Atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde
Deiseil? | Ready?
In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about So–sheasmhachd (Sustainability).
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- a' bruidhinn air atharrachaidhean sa ghnàth–shìde | talking about climate change
You will also learn about:
- an tràth cumhach (a–rithist) | the conditional tense (again)
- ainmearan càileachdail (a–rithist); feabhas, miosad | qualitative nouns (again); feabhas, miosad
An leann a nì an duine dha fhèin, òlaidh e a leòr dheth.
He's made his bed, so he'll have to lie on it. [lit. The ale a man makes for himself, he will drink his fill of it.]