Destroying it | Being destroyed
Ga mhilleadh
What are the things that we should be doing to help the world?
Different people will have different opinions, but we all know that we should be helping it.
We'll look at the structure gam, gad, ga, ga (h–), gar (n–), gur (n–), gan/gam , we learned in A1 and which we saw again in B1 Pàirt 1
We'll be using this structure in two kinds of sentence: gnìomhach (active) and fulangach (passive)
Read this short conversation first:
Chuala mi gum bi an òraid mu atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde ga toirt seachad san ionad choimhearsnachd madainn a–màireach.
I heard that the talk about climate change will be given [delivered] in the community centre tomorrow morning.
Bithidh. Chuala mise sin cuideachd. 'S e Daibhidh Mac a' Ghobhainn a bhios ga toirt seachad.
It is. I heard that as well. It's David Smith who will be giving [delivering] it.
Do you know which sentence is active and which sentence passive?
fulangach | Chuala mi gum bi an òraid mu atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde ga toirt seachad san ionad choimhearsnachd madainn a–màireach. |
gnìomhach | 'S e Daibhidh Mac a' Ghobhainn a bhios ga toirt seachad . |