Why didn't you do more for the sake of the environment?
Carson nach do rinn sibh tuilleadh air sgàth na h–àrainneachd?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Bidh ceistean gu leòr aig an ath ghinealach dhuinn. Carson nach do rinn sibh tuilleadh air sgàth na h–àrainneachd?
The next generation will have plenty of questions for us. Why didn't you do more for the sake of the environment?

Cha do rinn sinn tuilleadh air sgàth 's nach robh guth làidir gu leòr aig daoine àbhaisteach.
We didn't do more because ordinary people didn't have a loud enough voice.

Seo ceist eile dhuibh: carson nach do lùghdaich riaghaltasan carbon san àile na bu thràithe?
Here's another question for you: why didn't governments reduce carbon in the atmosphere earlier?

Cha do lùghdaich riaghaltasan carbon san àile a chionn 's nach robh na poileasaidhean aca làidir gu leòr.
Governments didn't reduce carbon in the atmosphere because their policies weren't strong enough.

Cha robh na poileasaidhean aca làidir gu leòr. Seadh. Agus carson a thachair sin?
Their policies weren't strong enough. Uh–huh. And why did that happen?

Thachair sin ri linn 's gun robh na companaidhean mòra eadar–nàiseanta na bu charaiche. Cha robh iad airson sgur air eagal 's gun dèanadh sin cron—cron air na prothaidean aca.
That happened because the big international companies were wilier. They didn't want to stop because it would do damage—damage to their profits.

Mo chreach! A bheil thu ag ràdh nach eil caomhnadh dealan, no gleidheadh àiteachan sònraichte no a' lùghdachadh connadh–fosail math gu leòr?
My goodness! Are you saying that saving electricity, or preserving particular places or reducing fossil fuel isn't good enough?

Bha ar saoghal ga mhilleadh, bha an cron ga dhèanamh agus bha an cruinne–cè ga bhlàthachadh.
Our world was being destroyed, the damage was being done and the earth was being warmed.

Nach sguir sibh! Bidh an saoghal ga leigheas, ga chàradh is ga fhuarachadh nuair a gheibh e an cothrom. Tha mi a' creidsinn sin!
Won't you stop! The world will be being healed, will be being fixed and will be being cooled when it gets a chance. I believe that!

Carson a tha thu a' creidsinn sin?
Why do you believe that?

Leis gun do rinn an saoghal leigheas aig àm a' ghalair. Sguir còmhdhail, cha mhòr. Ri linn sin, chaidh mòran am feabhas ann an ùine ghoirid. Tha dòchas ann.
Because the world healed at the time of the disease [COVID]. Transportation stopped, just about. Because of that, a lot was healed in a short time. There is hope.

Faodaidh sinn an dà chuid a dhèanamh. Dèanamaid nas urrainn dhuinn le dòigh–beatha so–sheasmhach.
We can do both. Let's do what we can with a sustainable way of life.

Agus aig an aon àm na leigeamaid na companaidhean mòra às bho na dleastanasan aca.
And at the same time let's not let the multinationals off with their responsibilities.

Thugainnibh, a chàirdean! Tha obair romhainn!
Come on, friends! We've work to do!