Bilingual transcription: I would use

Bilingual transcription: Chleachdainn

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Carson a chleachdadh tu/còmhdhail phoblach? Why would you use public transport? Carson a chleachdadh tu còmhdhail phoblach?

The clearest way to answer this question is to reply using:

Chleachdainn … a chionn 's gu bheil e …  I would use, followed by because it is. Chleachdainn còmhdhail phoblach a chionn 's gu bheil e..

And you could continue by saying gu bheil e...

nas fheàrr/dhan àrainneachd, b etter for the environment, nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd.

You could also answer by saying:

Dhèanainn sin/air sgàth ' s I'd do that because … Dhèanainn sin air sgàth 's gu bheil e nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd.   

Or you can miss out the verb and just answer:

Air sgàth 's/gu bheil sin nas fheàrr . Because that's better. Air sgàth 's gu bheil sin nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd.

Seo eisimpleir eile de cheist:

Carson/a ghabh thu fras? Why did you take a shower?Carson a ghabh thu fras?

To answer, you could use the phrase: ri linn …

Ghabh mi fras/ri linn cion uisge. I took a shower because of a shortage of water, to save water.

Ghabh mi fras ri linn dìth uisge.

And finally, you can rework the answer entirely using yet another word for because and that's oir:

Rinn mi sin oir/bha feum aig daoine eile air. I did that because other people needed it. Rinn mi sin oir bha feum aig daoine eile air.