Bilingual transcription: Because …

Bilingual transcription: A chionn ’s …

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Sustainable materials are stuthan/so–sheasmhach. Stuthan so–sheasmhach.

We asked and answered why questions, ceistean a' tòiseachadh le CARSON …? Why would you use public transport?

Carson/a chleachdadh tu/còmhdhail phoblach? Carson a chleachdadh tu  còmhdhail phoblach?

To which your answer could begin with because:

a chionn 's … a chionn 's ... 

Or alternatively:

air sgàth 's, air sgàth 's… 

And finally the phrase for in case, air eagal 's... air eagal 's...