

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about A' freagairt cheistean le carson ...? (Answering questions with carson ...?). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Carson nach do lùghdaich riaghaltasan
Why didn't governments reduce
Carbon san àile
Carbon in the atmosphere
… a chionn 's nach robh …
... because ... weren't/wasn't
Cha robh na poileasaidhean aca làidir gu leòr.
Their policies weren't strong enough.
Agus carson a thachair sin?
And why did that happen?
... ri linn 's gun robh na companaidhean mòra eadar–nàiseanta na bu charaiche.
... because the multinationals [big international companies] were wilier.
...air eagal 's gun dèanadh sin cron
... because it would do damage
Cron air na prothaidean aca
Damage to their profits
... no gleidheadh àiteachan sònraichte
... or preserving/protecting particular places
A' lùghdachadh connadh–fosail
Reducing fossil fuel
Bha ar saoghal ga mhilleadh
Our world was being destroyed
Bha an cron ga dhèanamh
The damage was being done
Bha an cruinne–cè ga bhlàthachadh
The earth was being warmed
Nach sguir sibh!
Won't you stop!
Bidh an saoghal ga leigheas
The world will be being healed
ga chàradh
being fixed
ga fhuarachadh
being cooled
Nuair a gheibh e an cothrom
When it gets a chance
Leis gun do rinn an saoghal leigheas
Because the world healed
Sguir còmhdhail
Transport(ation) stopped
Ri linn sin
Because of that
na leigeamaid … às
let's not let … off/let's not let … get away with
Na dleastanasan acasan
Their responsibilities
Thugainnibh, a chàirdean!
Come on, friends!

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.