Answering questions with carson ...?
A' freagairt cheistean le carson ...?
Deiseil? | Ready?
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- a' freagairt cheistean le carson …? | answering questions with carson ...?
You will also learn about:
- active and passive structures with GA | structaran gnìomhach is fulangach le GA (a-rithist)
- freagairtean le air sgàth, a chionn, ri linn, air sàillibh , a thoradh, oir, air eagal | questions with air sgàth, a chionn, ri linn, air sàillibh , thoradh, oir, air eagal
Is fhasa sgapadh na tional.
It's easier to scatter than to gather.