

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin ceàrr ort (Saying that something is wrong with you). Let's look at some of them again in context. 

Dè tha ceàrr ort?
What's wrong with you?
Chan eil càil ceàrr orm a–nise
There's nothing wrong with me now
Bha an dèideadh orm
I had (the) toothache
Thàinig an cadal–deilgneach orm
I got pins and needles [the pins and needles came on me]
A bhròinein!
(you) poor soul! [male]
Chan eil pian orm a–nis
I don't have pain now
Bha an cnatan orm
I had a/the cold
Bha mo cheann goirt
I had a (the) sore head/headache
Bha mo shùilean a' sileadh nan deur
My eyes were streaming
Tha sin truagh!
That's terrible/miserable!
Bha mi a' casadaich fad an latha agus fad na h–oidhche. Bha mi a' faireachdainn cho tinn 's gun robh mi a' cur a–mach!
I was coughing all day and all night. I felt so ill that I was being sick/vomiting!
A bhrònag!
(you) poor soul! [female]
Tha tinneasan is bhìorasan neònach a' dol mun cuairt.
There are (all sorts of) strange/unusual illnesses and viruses going around.
A bheil thu cinnteach nach e an galar (Coròna–bhìoras) a bh' ann?
Are you sure that it wasn't the disease (Coronavirus)?
Chan eil an casad cho dona
The cough isn't too/so bad

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.