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Verbs with no direct object

When we use inversion sentences with a direct object, the verbal noun always lenites where possible. When there is no direct object the verbal noun is not lenited.

An urrainn dhut dràibheadh?An urrainn dhut càr a dhràibheadh?
Can you drive? Can you drive a car?

As we saw in Cuspair 9 of A2, dol (going) and tighinn (coming) are often found in their lenited forms in different dialects:

Nach urrainn dhut dol ann?An urrainn dhut tighinn ann?
Nach urrainn dhut a dhol ann?An urrainn dhut a thighinn ann?

Sentences with urrainn will take two forms depending on whether the verbal noun has a direct object or not.

Where there is no direct object, we don’t use ag or a’ with the verbal noun.

An urrainndhuibhseinn?
Chan urrainndhomhseinn.

Where there is a direct object, the verbal noun comes at the end, just as we saw with faod and feum in Cuspair 9. The verbal noun is lenited and preceded by a (no apostrophe). Look at what happens to òl (drink) which begins with a vowel, it doesn’t take a and cannot lenite: and with faicinn which lenites to fhaicinn and so also starts with a vowel sound.

An urrainndhiclàrsachachluich?
Chan urrainndhaleabharaleughadh
Nach urrainndhicofaidh òl?
Chan urrainndhaibhfilm fhaicinn