I'm sorry we were late
Tha mi duilich gun robh sinn anmoch
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to make lots of excuses! It's full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Tha mi duilich gun robh sinn anmoch. Bha mi fhìn agus Màiri anns an taigh-sheinnse, nar seasamh aig a' bhàr agus a' cabadaich mu dheidhinn na h-obrach againn. Cha tug sinn an aire dhan ùine.
I'm sorry we were late. Myself and Mary were in the pub, standing at the bar and chatting about our work. We didn't notice the time.

Tha sin ceart gu leòr. Na gabhaibh dragh.
That's OK. Don't worry (plural).

Gabh mo leisgeul, cuideachd.
Excuse me, as well.

B' àill leat? Tha am fuaim cho àrd! Cha chuala mi. Dè bha thu ag ràdh?
Pardon? The sound is so loud! I didn't hear. What were you saying?

Nach gabh thu mo leisgeul?
Won't you excuse me?

Gabhaidh, gu dearbh. Chan eil dragh sam bith ann.
I will, of course. No problem (there's no problem).

Thèid sinn a-steach dhan chidsin.
We'll go into the kitchen.

B' àill leat?

Nach tig sibh a-steach dhan chidsin? Chan eil an ceòl cho àrd an sin.
Won't you come in to the kitchen? The music isn't as loud there.

I will.

Och! Thuit a' ghlainne agam. Òbh. Bhris mi i! Tha mi duilich. Tha mi cho duilich! Tha fìon dearg air a dhòrtadh air an ùrlar cuideachd. Nach gabh thu mo leisgeul?
Och! My glass fell. Oh dear! I broke it. I am sorry! I am so sorry! Red wine has spilled on the floor as well. Won't you excuse me?

Gabhaidh. Na gabh dragh. Cha robh innte ach seann ghlainne mo mhàthar! Nach gabh thu deoch eile?
I will (excuse). Don't worry. It was only my mother’s old glass’. Won't you have/take another drink?

Cha ghabh. Gabhaidh mi glainne uisge a-nis, mas e do thoil. Nuair a bhios an deoch a-staigh, bidh a' chiall a-muigh!
I won't. I'll take a glass of water now, please. When the drink is in, sense is out!