I like this time of year
'S toil leam an t-àm seo dhen bhliadhna
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It's full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.
Deiseil, Anna?
Ready, Anne?
Tha mi deiseil! 'S math gun robh sinn ann an Dùn Èideann mar-thà, a Mhàiri. Bha e comasach dhomh lioft fhaighinn còmhla ribh. A bheil thusa deiseil, Fhionnlaigh?
I am ready. It's good that we were in Edinburgh already, Mary. It was possible for me to get a lift with you. Are you ready, Finlay?
Tha gu dearbh. Togaidh sinn Iain ann an Glaschu.
I certainly am. We'll collect John in Glasgow.
'S toil leam an t-àm seo dhen bhliadhna. Tha na craobhan dìreach àlainn, gu h-àraidh air Rathad nan Eilean.
I like this time of year. The trees are just beautiful, especially on the Road to the Isles.
Nach eil? Dè a' chraobh as fheàrr leat?
Aren't they? What's your favourite tree?
'S toil leam an darach, a' bheithe agus an caorann, ach san Dàmhair 's i a' chraobh-challtainn as fheàrr leam. 'S toil leam na cnòthan-calltainn cuideachd! Dè a' chraobh as fheàrr leat fhèin?
I like the oak, the birch and the rowan, but in October it's the hazel tree I like the best. I like the hazelnuts as well! What's your favourite tree?
'S e an sgitheach as fheàrr leam. Tha beul-aithris inntinneach ceangailte rithe. Ach 's fheàrr leamsa na beathaichean is na h-eòin.
The hawthorn is my favourite. It has interesting folklore attached to it. But I prefer animals and birds.
Seadh. Dè am beathach no an t-eun as fheàrr leat?
Uh-huh. What is your favourite animal or bird?
Chunnaic mi mathan agus madaidhean-allaidh nuair a bha sinn anns an Fhraing an-uiridh, agus bha teaghlach sionnaich anns a’ ghàrradh aig Iain turas - chòrd sin rium. Ach 's fheàrr leam na beathaichean às an dùthaich seo fhèin: a' bhrù-dhearg, buthaidean, ròin. Ach cha toil leam na faoileagan - tha an t-acras orra daonnan, agus daonnan ag iarraidh rudeigin ri ithe!
I saw a bear and wolves when we were in France last year, and there was a family of foxes in John's garden once - I liked that. But I prefer animals from this country, the robin, puffins, seals. But I don't like seagulls - they're always hungry and always wanting something!
Uill, a' bruidhinn air an dùthaich seo, bidh mi a' faicinn bheathaichean is eòin gu leòr nuair a bhios mi a-muigh agus a' sreap anns na beanntan.
Well, speaking of this country, I see plenty of animals and birds when I'm out climbing in the mountains/hills.
Cuiridh mi geall gum bi! Cuin a bha thu anns na beanntan mu dheireadh?
I'll bet you do! When were you last in the mountains/hills?
Bha mi anns na beanntan san Lùnastal. Chunnaic mi na fèidh - damh agus maoiseach - iolairean agus cat fiadhaich, agus cearc-fhraoich.
I was in the hills in August. I saw the deer - a stag and a doe - eagles and a wildcat, and a grouse!
Chì sinn beanntan is beathaichean gu leòr air an rathad dhan Eilean.
We'll see plenty of hills and wildlife (animals) on the road to Skye (The Island).
Seall! Siud Iain a' feitheamh rinn. An e fèileadh a th' air?
Look! There's John waiting for us. Is that a kilt he's wearing (that he has on)?