Feuch e: What kind of neighbour would you want?

Feuch e: Dè seòrsa nàbaidh a dh'iarradh tu fhèin?

Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

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Cò ris a bha na nàbaidhean agaibh coltach san sgìre sin nuair a bha thu a' fàs suas?

What were your neighbours in your area like when you were growing up?

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Coltach ri nàbaidhean no coimhearsnaich sam bith eile, saoilidh mi. Just like any other neighbours (or neighbours), I think.
Cha robh nàbaidhean againn nuair a bha sinn beag. We didn't have neighbours at all when we were small.
Bha cuid dhiubh uabhasach taiceil is còir, agus bha cuid eile srònasach agus a' trod rinn! Some of them were very helpful and kind, and some were nosey and got us into trouble [scolded us]!