What kind of neighbour would you want?

Dè seòrsa nàbaidh a dh'iarradh tu fhèin?

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Cò ris a bha na nàbaidhean agaibh coltach san sgìre sin nuair a bha thu a' fàs suas?

What were your neighbours in your area like when you were growing up?

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Coltach ri nàbaidhean no coimhearsnaich sam bith eile, saoilidh mi.

Just like any other neighbours, I think.

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Innis dhomh, ma–thà!

Tell me, then!

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Bidh daoine a' bruidhinn air nàbaidhean srònasach, mosach is mì–mhodhail agus bha tè mar sin an ath–dhoras.

People talk about nosey, nasty and impolite neighbours and there was a woman like that next door.

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Ach airson a h–uile nàbaidh mar siud, tha coimhearsnach a tha smaoineachail, fialaidh is modhail.

But for every neighbour like that, there's a neighbour who is thoughtful, generous and polite.

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Agus sàmhach! Tha fios ’am.

And quiet! I know.

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Dè seòrsa duine a dh'iarradh tu mar nàbaidh, no coimhearsnach?

What kind of person would you want (to have) as a neighbour?

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Uill, na rudan matha a dh’ainmich thu na bu tràithe, agus bhiodh e math nam biodh iad cuideachail, inntinneach agus glic. Bhithinn airson taic fhaighinn bho àm gu àm, agus airson taic a thoirt seachad cuideachd.

Well, the qualities (good things) you named earlier, and it would be good if they could be helpful, interesting and wise. I would want help from time to time and to give help as well.

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Cha bhithinn ag iarraidh nàbaidh leisg, farmadach no busach. Chan eil sin gu feum do dhuine sam bith!

I wouldn't want a lazy, jealous or sullen neighbour. That's no good to anyone.

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Dè seòrsa nàbaidh a dh'iarradh tu fhèin?

What kind of neighbour would you want?

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Nàbaidh car coltach riut fhèin: càirdeil, cùramach is dlùth ann an iomadach dòigh!

A neighbour kind of like you: friendly, careful and close in so many ways!