Bilingual transcription: I can …

Bilingual transcription: Thèid agam air …

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


An toiseach, nach bruidhinn sinn air na tha comasach dhuinn, what we're able to do.

The first phrase I'd like to share with you uses thèid, Will go, to be able to say you can do something:

Thèid agam air, I can, Thèid agam air. So to say you can run a marathon, for example, it would be:

Thèid agam air/maraton a ruith. I can run a marathon. Thèid agam air maraton a ruith.

We have a couple of other ways to express ability. One of these is to use the phrase:

B' urrainn dhomh, I could.

B' urrainn dhomh/sin a dhèanamh. I could do that. B' urrainn dhomh sin a dhèanamh.

Another phrase you are likely to hear is:

Bhiodh e comasach dhomh It would be possible for me …

Bhiodh e comasach dhomh

/sin a dhèanamh. It would be possible for me to do that. Bhiodh e comasach dhomh sin a dhèanamh.

Two more ways to say we are able to do things, but which indicate that a little bit of effort may be required are:

Dhèanainn a' chùis I could manage …

Dhèanainn a' chùis.

As well as:

Dhèanainn an gnothach, also, I could manage …

Dhèanainn an gnothach.