I can do that – Dèanta!

Thèid agam air sin a dhèanamh — Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:
  • a' bruidhinn air na tha comasach dhut | talking about what you can do
You should also be confident about:
  • gnìomhairean riaghailteach san tràth chumhach | regular verbs in the conditional tense
  • iomlaid (a–rithist) | inversion (again)
  • abairtean mòdach | modal phrases
Foirfe! You have learnt to talk about Thèid agam air sin a dhèanamh ( I can do that) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you're doing?

Why not move on to talk about B' fheudar dhomh (I had to)?