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Rùintean na Bliadhn' Ùire

New Year's Resolutions

Let’s talk about Rùintean na Bliadhn’ Ùire (New Year’s Resolutions) we made this year.

When we talk about this subject, we talk about what we are a’ dol a dhèanamh (going to do)—a’ dol a (going to) + lenited verbal noun.

We first saw this in A2 Cuspair 3.

Thamia’ dolasheachnadhsiùcar
a’ dol a …

We can use a’ dol a … (going to …) to talk about plans that we have for the future.

The verbal noun which follows a (to) will be lenited where possible, verbal nouns starting with vowels take dh’; verbs beginning with f + vowel will take dh’fh + vowel:

Nach eil i a’ dol a thogail taigh?

Isn’t she going to build a house?

Tha esan a’ dol a sgrìobhadh leabhar.

He is going to write a book.

Chan eil mi a’ dol a dh’òl cofaidh.

I am not going to drink coffee.

A bheil thu a’ dol a dh’fhàgail d’ obair?

Are you going to leave your work?

This structure can also be used where a riochdair (pronoun) is the object of the verbal noun using gam, gad, ga, ga/ga h–, gar, gur/gur n–, gan/gam.

Nach robh sibhse a’ dol ga dhèanamh?

Weren’t you going to do it?

Tha sinn a’ dol gam fosgladh a dh’aithghearr.

We are going to open them soon.

Tha iad a’ dol gam thogail an seo.

They are going to pick me up here.