In Cuspair 10, we saw that we can use the preposition ro to say ‘before’.
And ro works with the pronouns in the same way that we learned for every simple preposition so far.
ro + mi | romham |
ro + thu | romhad |
ro + e | roimhe |
ro + i | roimhpe |
ro + sinn | romhainn |
ro + sibh | romhaibh |
ro + iad | romhpa |
Dè chuir thu romhad airson na bliadhna seo?
What did you decide for this year?
In Gaelic, cuir ro means ‘resolve, decide, determine’.
Dè chuir thu romhad aig a’ Bhliadhn’ Ùir an–uiridh?
What did you decide to do at New Year last year?
Cuiridh Eòghann roimhe gun dèan e cùrsa bogaidh an–ath–bhliadhna.
Ewan will decide that he will do an immersion course next year.
Chuala mi gun do chuir Magaidh agus Iagan romhpa eathar eile fhaighinn.
I heard that Maggie and Jonny decided to get another boat.
Nach do chuir i roimhpe gum fuiricheadh i anns an Eilean?
Didn’t she decide to stay [that she’d stay] in Skye?
Dè chuireas sinn romhainn a dhèanamh air Là na Nollaige?
What will we decide to do on Christmas Day?
An do chuir thu rud sam bith romhad fhèin aig a’ Bhliadhn’ Ùir an–uiridh?
Did you decide anything yourself at New Year last year?
Ma chuir, ciamar a chaidh dhut leis an rùn?
If you did, how did you get on with your wish?
An do chùm thu ris na rùintean agad?
Did you keep your resolutions?
A bheil cuimhne agad air na rùintean a bh’ agad a’ bhon–uiridh?
Do you remember your resolutions for the year before last?
Cuin a chuir thu rudeigin romhad mu dheireadh?
When did you last decide anything?
Dè na miannan a th’ agad airson na bliadhna seo?
What are your wishes for this year?