Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: B' fheudar dhomh a dhol gu stèisean a' phoileis

Take two: I had to go to the police station

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Och, bha e uabhasach! B’ fheudar dhomh a dhol gu stèisean a’ phoileis. It was terrible! I had to go to the police station.
Dè bha uabhasach? Carson a b’ fheudar dhut a dhol ann? What was terrible? Why did you have to go there?
Chaill mi an càr! Nuair a dh’èirich mi sa mhadainn cha robh sgeul air. I lost the car! When I got up in the morning there was no sign of it.
An do ghoid cuideigin e? Did someone steal it?
Bidh agad ri feitheamh gu deireadh na sgeòil. You will have to wait until the end of the story.
Ma dh’fheumas mi! If I have to!
Bha agam ri coiseachd dhan stèisean. Thàinig orm tòrr cheistean a fhreagairt. I had to walk to the station. I had to answer lots of questions.
Dè na ceistean a bh’ aca? What questions did they have?
Bha agam ri tòrr fiosrachadh pearsanta a thoirt seachad. Agus bha feum agam gearan a dhèanamh. I had to give [provide] lots of personal information. And I had to make a complaint.
‘S fheudar gun robh thu troimh–a–chèile leis a sin. You must have been upset with [all] that.
Nach mi a bha! Wasn’t I just!
Dè thachair, ma–thà? What happened then?
Dhìochuimhnich mi gun robh aig a’ chàr ri MOT fhaighinn. Thug an duine agam don gharaids e a’ chiad char sa mhadainn. Nach mi a bha gòrach! I forgot that the car had to get an MOT. My husband took it to the garage first thing in the morning. What an idiot! [Wasn’t I stupid!]
Oich! Oops!