Take two: I understand
An dàrna turas: Tha mi a' tuigsinn
Let's have a look at this conversation again.

An ionnsaich na h-oileanaich mòran anns gach clas?
Do the students learn much in each class?

Ionnsaichidh. Bidh sinn a' dol aig astar a thig ris a' mhòr-chuid, ge-tà.
They do (learn). We go at a pace that suits the majority, though.

Chan ionnsaich daoine mòran ma bhios cùisean a' dol ro luath dhaibh.
People won't learn much if things are going too fast for them.

Sin e dìreach! Ionnsaichidh iad tòrr mòr a bharrachd ma bhios iad cofhurtail!
That's it exactly! They will learn lots more if they are comfortable.

Ciamar a bhios e ag obair air-loidhne? Am freagair iad ceistean furasta gu leòr?
How does it work online? Do they answer questions easily enough?

Freagraidh a' mhòr-chuid a tha dàna. Cha fhreagair a’ chuid a bhios caran diùid, ma tha thu gam thuigsinn.
Most of the bolder ones do. The ones who are quite shy won't, if you understand me (get my drift).

Tha mi a' tuigsinn.
I understand (I get it).

Bidh mi a' toirt orra bruidhinn, le abairtean mar: An innis sibh dhomh? No an innis thu dhomh?
I get them to speak, with questions such as Will you (polite/plural) tell me? Or will you (singular) tell me.


Innsidh mòran oileanach dhomh, ach a-rithist chan innis cuid dhiubh.
Many students will tell me, but again, some others won’t (tell me).

Am mìnich thu rudan dhaibh gu slaodach?
Do you (will you) explain things to them slowly?

Mìnichidh, ach uaireannan, cha mhìnich mi cus dhaibh. Feumaidh iad ionnsachadh mar a bhios daoine a' bruidhinn a-muigh san t-saoghal mhòr!
Yes (I will explain), but sometimes I won't explain too much to/for them. They have to learn how people speak in the big, wide world!